Pcalc function list
Pcalc function list

pcalc function list

Put f=x and insert the value of the line 2. Table of the keystrokes and functions recognized by theĠ>x>X>A>B. Stores x to f and y to executes then line 2 and sets the result to z. The use of the multiplication sign is voluntary. Last additions ( +) or subtractions ( -). Multiplications ( *) or divisions ( /) and Parentheses, functions are calculated first, then powers ( ^), The cursor is executed and its value is put to the answer window and stored in the temporary memory line is interpreted from left to right and standard arithmetic calculation The value of the lineĮach time the ENTER-key is pressed, the line shown by £ (line reference prefix = pound (temporary memory sign)Īdds "a calculate total sign" to the beginning of Ƒ (function symbol for find zeropoints = ASCII 159) The line is then highlighted and can be moved with the arrow If it is on, only shortcuts are allowed and Then, for instance, sin x = sx = trigonometric sinus of x. Toggle the function shortcut mode on or off. With a character < and they are shown by their comments, if there are any. Read used defined constants, shortcuts and commands and Opens a menu of user notes and more help. If you want to run Pc-Calculator in a smaller window. The string is copied also to the clipboard.ĭelete the line shown by the cursor and add its content to the clipboard Scroll the text from the current position halfway to the endįind a string of text or numbers. Scroll the text from the current position halfway to the beginning Toggle between the insert and overwrite mode Move cursor to the direction of the arrow The maximum file size theĮditor can handle is 30000 lines and each line can be Other text editor with its own commands to scroll the Most of the time, when you run Pc-Calculator, Mode is on, only s means sinus while sin means s( i( n(.))) Produces a token sin into the editor, although they both mean the same sinus function. In that case, for instance, pressing of the key s If it is off, then both the shortcutsĪnd their wider tokens are allowed. Only function shortcuts are allowed in the formulas.

pcalc function list

Note also, press Alt-S to toggle program's shortcut mode on or off. Press F9 to toggle between it and the default mode. The figure above shows PcCalculator in the big window mode. To avoid scroll bars in the big window mode, select also LayoutĪnd adjust the Window and Screen Buffer Size Widths and Heights to be equal. WIN10, then you must also select Options and choose Use legacy console as shown Note that you can also fine-tune the colours there. If so, right-click program's title bar, select Properties and then Font. When you first time start the program, you may want to choose a different font size. This means that all possible errors areĮasily corrected, if needed, and fast recalculated.

pcalc function list

Shown and scrolling of the formulas scrolls the resultsĪs well. The answer window and, if you execute another formula, It is then shown on the corresponding line in Want to execute a formula, you only need to move theĬursor onto that line and press ENTER to see the YouĬan also add explanatory comments and, if you Is like a piece of paper, which you can scroll back andįorth and write your formulas just where you wish. Trigonometric, logarithmic and user defined functions Working memory and 30 variables to store constants and/or intermediate results. Pc-Calculator is a powerful scientific, programmableĬalculator with a full-screen formula editor, large USING CELLS DEFINING KEYSTROKES ADVANCED PROGRAMMING EXAMPLES USING THE CLIPBOARD USING THE MOUSE Copyright Miscellaneous USER DEFINED FUNCTIONS TABLE MANIPULATION FINDING ZEROPOINTS LONG NUMBERS Making cyphers OPENING A NEW TASK STARTING OTHER PROGRAMS STOPWATCH ALARM-WATCH MODES PC-CALCULATOR Aimo Niemi, 1994-2018 Contents INTRODUCTION STARTING PCCALC FORMULA EDITOR FORMULA INTERPRETER NAMED LINES AND CONSTANTS QUOTE FUNCTION LINE FUNCTION

Pcalc function list